Categories: Female • Girls







My description is:

Hi! I'm Amanda, Or Mandy. I'm a woman who like to live life and take the best out of it. I am passionate, i laugh a lot, and i know how to feel good and make others feel good with me :)



I like:

I like diamonds, almonds, long mountain and forest walks, starry nights on a sandy beach and a sea breeze.. i'm dreaming already. I like intelligent men, good food, a good massage, the right words at the right time :)

I don't like:

People telling me what i should do, and what i shouldn't do. making me do something one way instead of guiding me there.

Want to see what sexy newbie DeeAmanda is capable of?

These are the things that make me a horny babe: I like diamonds, almonds, long mountain and forest walks, starry nights on a sandy beach and a sea breeze.. i'm dreaming already. I like intelligent men, good food, a good massage, the right words at the right time :)